What if you don't want to type everytime flex items-center gap-3
for simple rows with text and icon? Flex
component is here to help you. It's a simple wrapper around div
with flex
and gap
import { Flex } from '@creation-ui/react'
const Example = () => (
<Flex column>
<div>Item 1</div>
<div>Item 2</div>
<div>Item 3</div>
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Escape hatch
If something is not working as expected, you can always use className
prop to add your own classes with Tailwind's important prefix !
Behind the scenes
This is how Flex
component is implemented. If you spot a bug or want to add a new feature, just rise an issue on GitHub.
import { cva } from 'class-variance-authority'
export const flexClasses = cva('flex', {
variants: {
column: {
true: 'flex-col',
false: 'flex-row',
justify: {
start: 'justify-start',
end: 'justify-end',
center: 'justify-center',
between: 'justify-between',
around: 'justify-around',
evenly: 'justify-evenly',
items: {
start: 'items-start',
end: 'items-end',
center: 'items-center',
baseline: 'items-baseline',
stretch: 'items-stretch',
self: {
auto: 'self-auto ',
start: 'self-start',
end: 'self-end ',
center: 'self-center ',
stretch: 'self-stretch',
baseline: 'self-baseline',
wrap: {
none: 'flex-nowrap',
wrap: 'flex-wrap',
reverse: 'flex-wrap-reverse',
content: {
start: 'content-start',
end: 'content-end',
center: 'content-center',
between: 'content-between',
around: 'content-around',
evenly: 'content-evenly',
gap: {
0: 'gap-0',
1: 'gap-1',
2: 'gap-2',
3: 'gap-3',
4: 'gap-4',
5: 'gap-5',
6: 'gap-6',
7: 'gap-7',
8: 'gap-8',
9: 'gap-9',
10: 'gap-10',
11: 'gap-11',
12: 'gap-12',
14: 'gap-14',
16: 'gap-16',
20: 'gap-20',
24: 'gap-24',
28: 'gap-28',
32: 'gap-32',
36: 'gap-36',
40: 'gap-40',
44: 'gap-44',
48: 'gap-48',
52: 'gap-52',
56: 'gap-56',
60: 'gap-60',
64: 'gap-64',
72: 'gap-72',
80: 'gap-80',
96: 'gap-96',
grow: {
false: 'flex-grow-0',
true: 'flex-grow',
shrink: {
false: 'flex-shrink-0',
true: 'flex-shrink',